Superhero Motivation – Superman Unbound: 3 Life Lessons for Success

So I recently re-watched the Superman Unbound movie and I was reminded not only of how good the story was, but how complex it is to live a double life.

I think that many of us can identify with Superman in the sense of living a double life. For instance, at work I am Mr. Shabazz the professional analyst, but outside of the job I am KING SHABAZZ, a Hip Hop Traveler, Artist, Athlete, Blogger and Investor.

We all live lives in which we wear many hats and have to shift our personalities in order to work within the vibe that we are in.

Below, I will go over 3 important lessons that I learned from this movie.

Superhero Motivation – Keep Your Business and Personal Lives Separate

In this movie, we see both Clark Kent and Superman doing their best to keep the Business life and the Work life separate.

However, there is one common denominator between the 2 which is Louis. As we could see, both Louis and Clark were able to work in an environment together in a professional manner without causing a conflict of interest.

It literally wasn’t until this life or death situation that Clark decided he wanted to marry Louis.

Once that happened then the world knew they were together.

At the end of the day, not everyone has to know your business. Let people know what you want them to know when you feel like letting them know it.

This principle applies in many situations whether its business, relationships, achieving goals, building wealth, etc…

Superhero Motivation – Know How to Keep Your Emotions in Check

By keeping a level head, we understand how to keep our emotions in check. When we observe superman, he always acts in a rational and thoughtful manner.

Sometimes he uses emotional energy to build strength, but he also knows how not to abuse it.

We must do our best to have a level head and not overly react to the good and the bad that may happen to us.

As seen with Kara, her fear of Brainiac from her bad experience as a kid almost paralyzed her mentally to the point of not even trying to fight.

This was interesting because she said that she was scared at the time because she was weak and didn’t have powers, yet she was acting the same with her powers.

Luckily she overcame this and helped Superman fight.

Superhero Motivation – Soak in Every Experience and Enjoy the Moment

Lastly, be sure to enjoy every experience.

Every day that we live there is an invisible timer counting down above our heads so live with a slight sense of urgency.

None of us know when we are destined to leave this world, but understand that when it is over there’s no coming back.

When Krypton was destroyed there were many people on that planet that likely did not live to the fullest with their experiences.

None of us want to regret anything so do everything to the best of your ability.

Beyond that, embrace the moment and soak up the experiences.

As seen when Brainiac finally left the ship and landed on earth, he had a very unpleasant experience because he had never left the ship.

Do yourself a favor and try not to stay in the same spot for too long because you can become stagnant and when new opportunities present themselves take them and make the best out of them!

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