Personal Development – WWE: How to Dominate Like The Hurt Business

So if you’ve been watching WWE Raw as of late, then you’ve definitely heard about the faction known as “The Hurt Business.”

Although this faction is a heel group, with super stars like MVP, Bobby Lashley, and Shelton Benjamin, there is so much to learn from a group with such charisma.

Personal Development – Take what’s Rightfully Yours

The biggest point of success that I’ve gathered from the group is the decision to Take What You Feel is rightfully yours.

Now in some people’s eyes, they may feel that there are certain things in life that you do not deserve. However, as I’ve mentioned in a previous post , it is up to you to decide in your mind that you will make the decision to work hard for what you want.

With that being said, find a clear pathway and make a plan to get what you rightfully deserve.

Once you’ve identified what you need to do then take the appropriate action to get it!

You should never wait for someone to give you an opportunity because 9 times out of 10 you will be waiting until you’re on your death bed.

There are only 2 things we are guaranteed in life and those things are DEATH and TAXES so don’t waste your life hoping for someone to give you a chance.

Instead you should bust your butt by working hard and then take the opportunity and make a name for yourself.

Personal Development – Dominate in All Areas

In addition to taking what is rightfully yours, if you want true success you must dominate in all areas.

No matter what your goal or industry is, there are other areas of our lives that we neglect that we have to dominate in so that we can reach our peak potential.

For instance, if you are an investor and your focus is on understanding everything there is to know about the stock market, real estate, and private equities then most of your time will be spent on that.

However, in order to reach your peak potential, you need to dominate by staying healthy, alert, and functional.

One would do this by making sure that they are eating right, getting enough sleep, and paying attention to little things such as hygiene.

Additionally, if you are a spiritual person, you need to dominate in the field of feeding your spirit through meditation, research, or however else you decide to build yourself up spiritually.

You also need to master communication skills with other people because no matter how much of a loner we may be, at some point you will have to interact with people and know how to influence them and be able to collaborate with them.

Although I used an investor as an example this holds true for any profession. You could be an athlete, artist, doctor, lawyer, etc…. It doesn’t matter!

The intangibles are just as important as your main focus because it all works hand-in-hand.

Personal Development – Conduct Yourself with Class

Lastly, you need to conduct yourself with class every chance you get.

Never lose your cool and stay in control of your situation at all times.

Prior to Cedric Alexander joining the team, there was a time when he and the Viking Raiders faced the Hurt Business in a 6-Man tag team match and he managed to slip away with the win.

Now, Lashley and Benjamin were pissed and they were ready to give this man a beat down, however, MVP stopped them and kept his cool because he knew that they’d get him again later.

Meanwhile, the whole time, MVP was playing chest and making moves that eventually lead to Alexander joining the Hurt Business.

In our own lives we have to keep our cool and act with class. Although the Hurt Business is always ready to give anyone a Beat Down at any moment, when they aren’t in a fight, they are usually wearing suits and handling business properly in a corporate fashion.

So although on-screen they are heels, these are some pivotal methods to use in our own lives so that we can dominate in every way possible.

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