Anime Motivation – One Piece: Nami’s Top 3 Keys to Navigating Life

Yo! Yo! Yo! After nearly 4 years, I finally caught up on One Piece. The Wano Kuni arc is really dope and I’m really enjoying each new episode that I watch!

After the 2 year skip in One Piece, everyone got so much more powerful. One of the characters who’s really strong, but was often considered the weakest was Nami.

Of course, after the Whole Cake Island arc, her power grew almost ten-fold thanks to Zeus.

But after finally catching up in the series, there were a few things that I started to notice about Nami as time went on. Please continue reading below to learn my thoughts on Nami’s Keys to Navigating Life…


Anime Motivation – Be Open to Opportunity

Starting off, the most important thing that I learned from Nami was to be open to opportunity. Although things weren’t going so well for her early on because of the Arlong Pirates, Nami remained hopeful and open to change.

With Bell-mere’s death still weighing heavy on her, it had to have been hard for her to continue doing things that she didn’t agree with.

However, when Luffy showed up on the scene and offered her a place on the crew, she accepted.

Although she did not know Luffy, she took a chance because he showed her that she could depend on him and he conveyed to her how important she was to the vision he had of becoming the Pirate King!

Anime Motivation – Be Eager to Learn

With her dream being to navigate and map the entire world, Nami was eager to learn how to do that since she was a young kid.

Just from watching and/or reading about her story in the manga, one can tell that she put in mad work to become the best navigator possible.

It is through this determination that navigation became an incredible super power.

If we really want to do something in life, it is important not to just say that we want to do it, but to put action behind it.

By taking the action, we give our energy and life force to the creative process of making the desired activity happen.

It is through action and mental clarity that we begin to manifest our desires. Even as a kid while suffering in Arlong’s grasp, Nami willed into existence the appearance of Luffy and the straw hat pirates into her life.

Anime Motivation – Cherish those you care for

As time went on, the entire Straw hat crew essentially became family.

While watching the series, I saw that everyone was willing to put their lives on the line for the vision Luffy had and for the sake of each other.

To be so willing to put your life on the line for each other requires next level devotion and love for one another.

There was a time period before the skip where Nami felt that she was definitely too weak and she worked hard on her craft to become as dependable as possible.

This was not only so she could protect herself, but also so she could protect the other members of the crew too!

Always remember to cherish the ones you care for and work hard to be the best version of yourself possible! You never know who may need you in the future.

Sometimes we are the only ones who can bring comfort to the pains of others.

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