Anime Inspiration – Lessons about Rock Lee’s Work Ethic

Everyone who is a fan of the Naruto Anime knows about Rock Lee. When Rock Lee first hit the big screen he became an immediate fan favorite.

Rock Lee’s biggest attraction may have been his ability to relate to the average fan.

Now I personally feel that Rock Lee epitomizes the human spirit and the ability of a human to achieve greatness.

Through Lee’s efforts, we see that if you work hard, anything is possible.

Anime Inspiration – Obsession

000 - Obsession

As a hard worker, Lee knew that in order to compete with his friends and rivals he needed to become obsessed.

In order to complete any goal and be the best in your industry, you literally have to be obsessed.

The biggest lesson that I’ve learned from Rock Lee within the Naruto series is that if you are obsessed with doing the hard work, you will always have a chance to succeed.

Anime Inspiration – Trusting The Process

rock lee - Trust the process

Another amazing lesson to be learned from Rock Lee is the importance of repetition. One can see through Lee’s example that practice means improvement.

The more you do something, the better you will become at it.

No matter what you do, continue doing it until you can do it well.

Anime Inspiration – Belief In Yourself

Rock Lee - Believe in Yourself

In addition to repetition and trusting the process, one must believe in themselves and the pending success.

In a lot of cases, as you repeat the action, the belief in yourself begins to increase regardless of the circumstance.

This is especially true if you do not focus on the result, but the act of doing the action.

If we can continue to increase self-belief and limit self-doubt then we can become a champion and master of hard work just like Rock Lee.

Hard work always beats talent when talent stops working!

If you’re an artist or manga-ka looking to collaborate then definitely contact me so we can create some awesome works together!

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Much Love!

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