Anime Inspiration – Claymore: 3 Life Lessons from Clare

What’s good everyone? So I recently finished watching the one shot anime known as “Claymore.”

Overall, I enjoyed the anime and I actually wish there were more seasons, but alas I will settle and read more of the manga in order to finish the full story.

In the aftermath of completing the anime, I learned 3 interesting life lessons that we can understand and apply in our own journeys to success.


Anime Inspiration – There’s A Monster Inside All of Us

One of the most interesting things about the Claymore series is how Youmas are the primary enemy.

However, in order to defeat the Youma, one must essentially become one.

It’s crazy how some of the things that we hate, may actually become one of our greatest allies in our paths to greatness.

For example, I used to be one of those people who hated to run and jog. This was especially true while I was in the military.

However, once I began to embrace running and harness its power, then my inner beast was completely unleashed and I was able to become one of the best versions of myself.

This same concept is seen in the life of a Claymore. In order to defeat Youma, these human girls would take on some of the Youma into their beings and become a new more powerful entity.

Sometimes in our life, we must understand the beast within us and use it to our own positive benefits.

However, if left unchecked, our inner monsters can go out of control so we must maintain control. Never let your anger or other emotions put you in a situation when you can’t have adequate control over your present situation.

We all have monsters inside of us, but its up to us to manipulate the beast for our own benefits.

Anime Inspiration – Our Human Bonds Keep Us Sane

Whatever you do, always cherish your relationships with other people. These people could be friends, family, significant others, business partners, etc…

It is through these relationships that we maintain our beings and keep ourselves sane along our journey towards greatness.

This was one of the more straight forward lessons, but I think it’s important to bring attention to it.

Now I know some of us are loners and we really strive in settings where we are alone, but it is extremely important to keep our human connections strong as we move towards our destination.

Sometimes in order to get where we are going we have to detach emotionally for a time in order to get there, but it is important to keep those connections strong because they inevitably help us to get back to our usual selves.

Anime Inspiration –Discipline and Self-Control are the Ultimate Power

The final and possibly the most crucial lesson that I learned from Claymore is that Discipline and Self-Control are the ultimate power.

By not allowing herself the gratification of going full-Youma and awakening, both Clare and many other claymores were able to  utilize their awakened abilities without going through the full process and losing their self control.

By constantly denying themselves the instant gratification of fully awakening, they were able to access immense power and abilities without losing the essence of who they are.

By being disciplined, sticking to our morals, and controlling our actions we are able to become more complete beings.

In the road to success, it is necessary to be disciplined otherwise you will constantly lose focus and jeopardize your current and future success.

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