Anime Motivation – Mob Psycho 100: 3 Methods to Maximize Your Success!

One thing that I’ve noticed while watching anime is that you really have to be coordinated when watching multiple series at once.

Although Mob Psycho 100 currently only has 2 seasons and the 2nd season only has 13 episodes, it took me forever to finish it because I was jumping back and forth between it, One Piece, Yuyu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, etc…

From now on, I guess I’ll stick with one and finish it up and then tell the lessons that I learned from it haha.

With that being said, please continue reading as I go into some lessons that I learned from Mob.

Anime Motivation – Embrace What Makes You Special

One of the biggest lessons I learned in this series is to embrace who you are. No matter what it is that makes you different or stand out, just embrace it and own it.

By doing this, you begin to see how you directly or indirectly influence others around you.

Additionally, by doing this, you start to really appreciate the value that you yourself can provide to any situation.

Once Mob accepted the fact that he was an esper and began to seek guidance, that’s when the true growth in his character and self-confidence began.

When we fully embrace who we are, then we can see the greatness that begins to manifest in our lives.

Anime Motivation – Remember Why You Started

This lesson hit me really hard when watching Season 2 episode 7. In this episode we see Reigan going through a sort of crisis.

That is until he realized why he truly started his business and why continued to help Mob. By helping Mob, Reigan gained fulfillment in ways that he was not aware of.

This is true even for us when we are working hard to fulfill our dreams. Often times we get caught up in the hardships of the journey and we forget the essence of why we started.

When you remember why you began and you keep your purpose at the forefront of your mind there is no way that you can fail.

Anime Motivation – Always Try to See the Good in Others

Lastly, no matter how hard, we should always try to see the good in others. Now there are some people in the world that we just can’t help and there’s no changing that.

However, we can choose to see the good in them. This is one of Mob’s other super abilities as a lot of the enemies that we see in the series later become trusted allies for Mob.

Now this doesn’t always happen in real life, but when we do our best to see the good in people and focus on that good while still being aware of the negativity that surrounds them, we can truly begin to operate in a realm of positivity that most can’t access.

At the end of the day, what we think and feel about a person is usually true or will be true in time.

So do your best to focus on the best in people and in turn, people may do the same for you.

All in all, if you liked this post then please share and comment your thoughts below! Much love!!

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