Anime Motivation – Arifueta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest – 4 Life Lessons from Hajime Nagumo

What’s good everyone? So I recently started watching the Anime called “Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest” and I must say that I’m absolutely hooked!

Seeing Hajime’s development from wimpy punk to absolute beast has been purely motivating!

Because of this, I definitely had to get back on the blog grind and write about some life lessons from this series….

Anime Motivation – Survival is the key to life

The biggest lesson that I learned early on in the series is that Survival is the Key to life!

The moment that this really hit me was when Hajime was talking to Will after he saved him in episode 10.

Will was really sad about being the only survivor of his crew and wishing that his friends had not died. It was so bad that Will even regretted surviving.

It was this instance that Hajime conveyed the importance of life and survival. When he spoke to him, he conveyed a since of certainty and survival that was likely fueled by his experiences in the Labyrinth.

As people we have to remember that no matter the circumstances or situations in our lives, surviving and living in the way that we choose are the ultimate keys to life and are of the upmost importance.

Anime Motivation – Train Hard to Improve Yourself

While watching Hajime’s experiences and surviving in the Labyrinth, I understood that he had to train hard and improve himself.

At the beginning, he was extremely weak and I honestly thought that he was a goner.

After the bear-monster thing ate his arm, I thought that he was going to bleed out and die, but luckily he didn’t.

Hajime was able to learn, adapt, and overcome.

This is a very impactful lesson that applies nearly everyone in their lives especially if they have ambitions.

In our journeys we can get attacked, ridiculed, and sometimes even physically hurt…

But our will to live, survive, and achieve greatness must outweigh all the hardships. Not everyone is built for a journey like this and that’s exactly why so few people are ever truly successful.

That’s one of the things that I really enjoy. I truly owe a lot of my personal success to my love of anime.

It’s great series like this that really motivate me and push me to go further and further.

Anime Motivation – Never let anything get between you and your goals

Later on in the series, Hajime begins to really figure out who he is as a man and he indirectly builds a team of people who love and support him.

So this is actually a lesson within a lesson because I didn’t even think about this.

But by focusing on our goals, sometimes we will indirectly attract others to us who want us to succeed.

When you meet these people, cherish them and give them the upmost love and loyalty.

But back to the main lesson, never let anything get between you and your goals.

If you have to take a detour here and there, make sure it aides the overall mission in some way, shape, or form.

This is an obvious lesson when Hajime is tasked to rescue Will Cudeta. In exchange for rescuing him, he is given status plates and the ability to get help if he ever has a problem with the Guilds in the land.

By tailoring your actions to support your overall goals, you will never lose sight of your main mission.

Anime Motivation – Value the lessons from your teachers

The last lesson is to value all the knowledge that you’ve gained from your teachers and/or sensei’s up to this point.

Now I understand that there are good teachers, bad teachers, mentors, teachers from books, and even some teachers that we’ve never met in person.

Even so, take all those lessons, figure out what’s valuable, and use what works for you.

During episode 10 when the monsters attacked, Hajime honored his teacher’s request by protecting the village.

This showed that she had a profound influence on his life. He learned things from her that he will always cherish and therefore he wouldn’t leave her hanging.

I’m sure that we all have at least one teacher that has helped us in one way or another so make sure to use those lessons because at the end of the day, that teacher wants you to achieve greatness!

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