Anime Inspiration – 3 Life Lessons from the Plastic Memories Anime

What’s up everyone?! So I recently watched the one shot anime called “Plastic Memories” and I must say that this was definitely a detour from my usual consumption of Shonen Anime.

However, it was a pretty good anime that actually taught me a few things about lessons in life that I think we could all benefit from.

Anime Inspiration – Experiences make us who we are

First off, this anime taught me that it’s our experiences in our life that shape and mold us into the beings that we are today.

In each of our lives we all have both good and bad experiences.

Some of those experiences, we wish would have never dealt with. Others, we will cherish forever.

In essence, it’s the combination of each and every one of our unique experiences that shape our morals, how we think, how we act, and how we govern ourselves on a daily basis.

Once we understand this, we can begin to answer the question “Why am I the way I am?”

In being able to answer that question, we begin to understand and unlock various hidden truths about ourselves that will help us in our journey to success or in maintaining current successes.

Anime Inspiration – Life is short so make the most of it

Another thing that I learned is that life is short so we should all make the most of it.

One of the premises of this anime is that not everyone is human and the androids or Giftia in this anime have to live with the reality that their life span is less than 10 years.

With that knowledge, they literally live everyday as if it’s their last because their life span is so short.

The main Giftia, Isla was at a place in which she didn’t see the point in making memories since it will all end eventually.

Luckily she Met Tsukasa who ended up changing her mindset and helping her to live and have a meaningful and impactful life.

Although the average human lifespan is more than 10 years, none of us know when we will take our last breath.

Each and every person’s life span is an absolute enigma at this point. Although we can assume that we will have an average life span, there is no guarantee.

Because of this, life is truly short and it’s up to each and every one of us to make the most of our lives.

I for one, plan to leave my mark on the work and positively impact thousands of lives before I leave the mortal realm and return to the spirit realm.

In doing so, we all should have a plan and do as much as we can to follow that plan. Although there will be stumbling blocks along the way, we can use the time we have among the living to make the most of it!

Anime Inspiration – Making Memories is life’s true meaning

The final lesson that I learned is that life’s true meaning is in the memories that we create with each other.

Whether it’s making someone smile, bringing joy into their lives, achieving a goal, or anything else, it’s the memory that we make that creates an attachment.

Memories and experiences are how we connect and it is the true essence of our being.

So never take a day for granted. Even on an off day, we can choose to do something meaningful to make a valuable memory!

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