Superhero Inspiration – Fantastic Four: How Mr. Fantastic Achieved Success the Traditional Way

So I was recently re-watching the Fantastic Four Animated Cartoon Series from 1967 and I’m constantly reminded of how much I love old school superhero shows.

Now I understand that this show literally came out nearly 3 decades before I was born, but man it’s such a good series to me.

In essence, I began to learn some critical lessons when watching this series…

Superhero Inspiration – Gain As Much Knowledge As Possible

So a lot of times when researching successful individuals we hear that the traditional route isn’t the way to go and that in order to truly be successful we must start a business and do other things to make a lot of money.

Although I do agree with this to a certain extent, there are some people who just aren’t cut out for that lifestyle.

Now Reed Richards definitely is one of those people and when beginning his journey to success, he definitely made the most out of his opportunities.

To start off, he took his studies seriously in high school as well as college.

So depending on whichever Earth or Universe you adhere to, Reed Richards was a graduate of Harvard University, State University, Columbia University, and the California Institute of Technology.

Superhero Inspiration – Become A Specialist

While At the aforementioned universities, Reed acquired multiple scientific degrees in the fields of engineering, math, and physics.

By focusing on gaining knowledge in the field of science, Mr. Fantastic became a specialist and became an expert as a scientist.

No matter what your goal is, you should work to gain as much knowledge as you can so that you can become a specialist in your field.

By doing this, you will be come a “Subject Matter Expert.”

By doing this, you can increase your personal value within your industry and create a demand for your skills.

Superhero Inspiration – Know Your Worth

Now when you create a demand for your expertise, you should be aware of your worth.

In every industry, there will be “low-ball” offers for your skills and as long as you aren’t acting out of desperation, you should be able to decline those deals to get what you feel you deserve.

So to figure out what you deserve, you should always research your profession to find out the low, high, and average pay for your services.

For Reed Richards, he became a Government Scientist and according to multiple sources, he has a net worth estimated between $200 Million and $12 Billion.

So we know that everyone can’t be a billionaire because not everyone is willing to do the work it takes to get to billionaire status.

However, by going the traditional route, Reed Richards proves that you can be successful financially if you go this route.

If you have seen the 1967 version of the Fantastic Four or if you enjoyed this article, then please share your thoughts below!

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