Anime Inspiration – New Year New Hustle: How to Kickstart Your Year Like Seto Kaiba from Yugioh

Anime Inspiration – Seto Kaiba

Now some of us know Kaiba as that one snobby prick from Yugioh who happened to be a super-rich and arrogant duelist.

Of course, as the series went on, I grew to like Kaiba more as I really saw the change in his character.

However, did you know that Kaiba is a Hustler?

Today we’ll discuss how you can use Kaiba’s example to help you on your road to success.

Anime Inspiration – You Need Funding

Funding - kaiba

Now I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying “it takes money to make money” and in Kaiba’s case, this couldn’t be truer.

According to, Kaiba was the adopted son of a billionaire.

Now I know you are probably scruffing your face right now, but please hear me out.

Although he was the adopted son of a billionaire, his father threatened to disown him if he couldn’t multiply the profit by 10.

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In essence, Seto Kaiba managed to turn $10 million into $100 million.

Now you may say that he was able to do that because of the money, but the main key here is that you need to get funding in order to make this happen.

If you’re like me, then you have to find other ways to get money because we aren’t that lucky to have parents like that.

Some good ways to find funding or to raise capital would be to get a job & save up the money, get a loan, or create a crowdfunding campaign with companies like Patreon, Kickstarter, or GoFundMe.

Anime Inspiration – Develop an Ambitious Mindset

Ambition - Kaiba

Moreover, Kaiba not only multiplied the initial $10 million dollar investment, but he also used his focus and hustle to earn even more money, which eventually allowed him to take over the company from his father.

In all honesty, Ambition will keep you in the hunt to achieve your dream long before it happens.

As hustlers, artists, and achievers, we need the ambition to keep us going because if we quit too soon we will never achieve the goal.

Anime Inspiration – Operate as a CEO

CEO Mindset - Kaiba

Whether you are a CEO or not, you have to identify with this type of mindset. As the owner and CEO of Kaiba Corp, Seto has to set goals for the upcoming fiscal year.

If you haven’t already, then you need to set your New Years Resolutions and goals.

But the key is to not only set them, but to make a plan as to how to get there.

For instance, if you are a graphic artist and you want to make $2,000 in revenue from your art by December 2019 then you need to plan how to get to that point.

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To do that, you would need to make at least $167 off your art per month.

If you are selling artwork for $20 a piece then you need to sell between 8 and 9 pieces of artwork per month.

Seto never acted on anything without a plan, so definitely make sure you are ready to make this year your best year!

Much love!!

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