Personal Development – 3 Side-Hustles for Teenagers to Make Money Now

So this post is a little different than the ones that I usually do, but it’s definitely needed.

As a teenager in both middle-school and high school I was constantly looking for ways to start making money.

However, back then with less access to the internet and ownership a smartphone, the opportunities were a little scarcer.

But nowadays, as long as you have a phone, you can definitely make money doing anything if you decide to hustle and make it happen.

Personal Development – Photography or Videography

With everyone using their phones these days, you’d think that they’d know about the plethora of tools available to them to make additional money.

Although it’s better to get a professional photographer to take some of your pictures, nowadays if you’re in school everyone is on Instagram.

With that being said, if you can use your phone to master certain photo editing apps prior to posting them on Instagram, you may be able to build a good side-hustle.

By becoming a decent photographer or videographer using certain apps like canva, phonto, inshot, and a variety of others will make a pretty lucrative side hustle.

The best thing to do would be to go on youtube and find a free course on the apps you want to master, spend a solid 2 weeks practicing about 2 hours a day, and then find a friend to practice with so you can start your portfolio.

Once the portfolio is built, promote your work through your Instagram and then charge your customers or fellow classmates $1 a photo or $3 a video.

As you get better and increase your notoriety then you can charge more. This is a quick way to take the first step towards being like Spiderman since Peter Parker was a photographer for the Daily Bugle!

Personal Development – Drawing Commissions

Another good side-hustle would be drawing. If you go into your app store there are a variety of digital art apps like adobe sketch, illustrator, ibis paint, and many more.

In much the same way as photography, you can take time mastering the apps via free courses online and then begin to sell your services.

In some instances, if you are promoting through Instagram, smaller companies may even approach you so that you can create designs for them and their business.

With the power of the internet, the opportunities are definitely endless. Additionally, you’d be making yourself more like the Green Lantern known as Kyle Rayner since he was an artist who loved to draw.

Personal Development – Tutoring

Lastly, if you are really good in a particular subject, you should definitely consider opening your own tutoring business.

There’s plenty of your fellow schoolmates struggling in one subject or another so it should be easy for you to find customers if you ask around long enough.

Whether its math, science, art, or social studies, there’s at least one subject that you are a master in and there’s at least one person struggling in that subject.

Use your expertise to help and provide value to another person’s life while accumulating extra money on the side.

In the end, you may make a new friend, or you may help someone graduate. Either way, it can be a win-win for both parties involved.

If this article helped you in any way, then please don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

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